

So the concept is a dance booth in an airport terminal. Travellers can obtain information from different dances per continent and perform these themselves. The special thing about this booth is that they have to control it with ‘dance steps’. If you want to push to the right on the screen, you have to make a step to the right like the example below. The screen is controlled by tracking of the movements from the participant. The control will be as simple as possible.

It is important, that the user flow is well worked out. The participants need to know what they need to do to achieve their goal.

What should definitely be included in the app:

  • start screen
  • explanation of the navigation (with dance steps)
  • 6 continents (swipe system) with in it:
    • information
    • dance tutorial
      • arrows lights up per dance step
    • clothing
      • no more closet with clothing
      • picture of themselves that they can dress up


I made two personas that would take a look inside the booth while waiting at the airport.

A context scenario with Agnes would look like this:

  1. Agnes reads the short explanation on the outside of the booth and goes inside
  2. She sees the arrows on the ground and stands on the circle.
  3. She activates the screen by jumping in the circle. She scrolls between the continents and chooses her own destination: South America.
  4. In the museum she reads information about the origins of the dance Salsa. She had already done a lot of research on South America so she already knew a few facts.
  5. Then she chooses an outfit in the closet and shares a picture via Instagram.
  6. Finally she does the dance tutorial. Because she didn’t fully understand the steps at first, she does it again. Hopefully she will remember these dance steps when she is in Brazil!
  7. She goes back to menu and then takes her stuff out of the booth, checks Instagram again for reactions to her picture and goes to her gate.


Concept idea sheet

In this phase I am going to specify my idea a bit more thanks to a concept idea sheet. This was good to estimate what still had to be done and what to take into consideration. It also helped to shape the idea.

As you can see, I have to think carefully about how I am going to set up the booth so that it doesn’t take too long to access the information. I also need to make sure it is clear and accessible to a wide audience.



As you saw in the brainstorm, I had several ideas that I had written down. My attention got focused on this idea eventually.

I want to make a kind of dance booth at the airport where travelers can spend their time while waiting. The idea to do this at an airport is because there are visitors from different countries and different cultures. So the challenge here is to create something where I document both dance culture and dance itself in such a way that visitors can learn something.

I made some quick sketches and a storyboard to see what this might look like.


Target group

The target group of this project are visitors at an airport. People who hang out at the terminal before they leave to fly. I found online some figures with information about the visitors of Brussels Airport.

Here we can learn that a few more than half are solo travelers. They only visit the terminal. Most of them are 25 and 34 years old. There are also slightly more men than women (BRUtrends, 2018).

The reason for their trip is usually for holidays and other. There are also business trips and visits. About half of all visitors live in Belgium, others come to visit or make a transfer here (BRUtrends, 2018).

What is very interesting about this is that 30% of the visitors spend more than 2h30 at the airport. They are well on time and still have some time to spare. A visit to the booth is certainly a good pastime in between (BRUtrends, 2018).