



    In this phase I go deeper into the concept of dance. I do research on different cultures, dances and continents. I will also look for a good concept for this project.



    In the ideation phase I choose one of my ideas and work it out in detail. How can we apply this, what do we need for this and how do I proceed?



    This brings us to the low-fidelity phase of the project. Based on some wireframes I do some tests with my target audience. I’ll find out what can be improved.



    The last and nicest phase of this assignment: the high-fidelity phase. Based on the prototype I do a few more tests and finish the product.


    Booth layout

    Now I had to think about how big this booth would be and where it would be in the terminal. How big should the screen be and the distance between the screen and the participant. I made a sketch of which elements should definitely be present in the booth. For example the screen, the arrows…

    Making the concept video

    Then I had to pour all this information into a concept video, so that it all became clear. I used a recording I made of the wireframes in Adobe Xd and then refined it in After Effects with extra sound effects and music. Then I made a storyboard and thought about how I could best…

    High-fidelity testing

    At this stage it is also very important to test the prototype. This time I did it in a slightly different way. I asked the test subject to stand up behind the screen, and move as if he were standing on the arrows. Also here I explained the context of the app and the dance…


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